Thursday, February 3, 2011


Lately, there have been so many things going on in my life. On the surface, it's USMC Sisters all the time. And, I am okay with that. I get up in the morning and I get on my computer, ready to face the day. I answer all the questions, have impromptu meetings with different people, handle that drama coming from the different chapters because, let's face it, we're girls and at some point, there is going to be drama. USMC Sisters, as a whole, is drama free. However, when you are on the top of it all, looking down on all of it at one time.... Well, there is drama. However, we (my Executive Board of Directors and myself) try to keep any drama out of the limelight and behind the scenes. It is very difficult. I don't know what I would do without them. My Cabinet members of the Board of Directors is the same way. They are all busy doing their own thing, but when the tough times are upon us, they are there to help pick up the pieces. Why? Because we believe in this.

We believe that USMC Sisters can be a group of "elite" women, trying to make a difference. We aren't looking for the regular woman. No way! It takes a special person to be in USMC Sisters! We have very high standards and goals. However, we just make the rules. We don't judge you if you can't or won't uphold those standards. We realize that this group is NOT for everyone. We are okay with that. We want the women who WANT to make a commitment to their Marine and us that they will be the best woman they can be. We do also understand that most women today can't just be a "homemaker". We understand that you all have lives and we wouldn't dream of keeping you from it. We do, however, ask that you give us some of your time and effort if you are going to be a part of us.

We do have meetings. (Some are chat-style online!) We do have fundraisers. We do have events so that everyone can have fun! We are NOT a regular Facebook group that women just sit on their computers all day and rant and rave about how bad their lives are and how bored they are. We don't gossip. Either you are with us or you aren't and as long as you are holding up your end of the deal when you accepted our standards, we don't care what you do. Your life is your life.

USMC Sisters is MY baby. I founded it... I dreamed it up. I created it out of nothing and I helped set the standard for what women SHOULD be. No, I didn't just think it up in my own head, either. I also went to one of my favorite books... The Bible. Proverbs 31 will tell you all about the perfect woman. Are we perfect? Absolutely not. Do we try? We do, even if we fall short EVERY DAY. Why? Because women have come so far! And, yet... the standard for women gets lower and lower.... In this day and age, it's okay for a woman to do whatever she wants... Why? Because she is a woman... That is madness on the face of it!

Do you know why women are "respected" these days? Because we MADE people respect us. Especially our men. However, 50% of military marriages end in divorce. 50%! I think I know why. Because women try to FORCE their men to "respect" them.... So, once the men respect the women.... Love isn't there. Women need love and men need respect. That is how we are wired. Emerson E. Eggrichs Ph. D. has a whole series of articles and a book called the "Love and Respect Conncection". I suggest you read it. It was a great way to discover just how differently men and women think and feel. Just the way we see things in different ways! It's astonishing! They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus...... No way.... It's more like... Men are a lightning bug and women are the classic board game, Monopoly... They are COMPLETELY different!

That is one of the convictions I had when starting all of this. I needed to start a "group" of women who think and feel like women can be something more than a pretty face with curse words flying and talking about fighting and all of that nonsense. Women who want to be the best version of themselves.... Who want to embrace the art of being a woman, while showing their husbands (boyfriends) that some women can be different. Some women can be strong, but still loving and caring. Some women can hold their tongue and choose their words carefully. (Though, I must admit, I need to work on this.) There are women out there who still can take care of their men and don't just do it our of duty.... Oh no... We do it because we WANT to. There are women out there that DO respect their husbands, even though sometimes they don't deserve it. (Working on that one, too.)
I think USMC Sisters can become a group of women who want nothing more than to celebrate being a woman and loving their men. We keep ourselves busy with community projects and fundraisers, meetings and just getting together and making friends that have the same goals. We believe that women are special. To be treated as gold by their men and be the reason their men have for going to work and doing the things they do.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned.
BUT..... I like the fact that my husband thinks I'm weak, but knows I'm strong enough to make it if he wasn't here. I like that he feels like my hero. I like that my husband brags about me to his buddies about my cooking. That shows that he is appreciative and does love me!

I just wish every girl knew how it felt to be treated this way and I know that there are some men that even if you do EVERYTHING correctly and how HE wants it done, (which can never happen because we aren't perfect) he will never be happy. He will never show you love the way you need it to be shown.

That is another reason we are here. We strive to lift everyone up and build them up. We want everyone to know what love feels like. Whether your husband treats you like gold or garbage, we will be here to stand tall for you and be your celebration team when you are on top of the world, your shield when it's all raining down at once or your fortress to hide behind, when you need to, so you can have some peace.

We have rewards when you participate and lasting friendships, too.  (Double rewards! Haha.)
We get to help each other out and help our communities, too.
We get to have fun and help make this world a better place!
We also get a place to call OUR OWN!

Like it says on that oh so famous USMC poster.... "We don't promise you a rose garden!" Well, USMC Sisters doesn't, either. It's going to be some work. We will have people who don't understand us and want to tear us down. However, you never get to see the rainbow if you don't endure the storm for a while. Keep that in mind.

For things going on, not on the surface, my family back home is having some issues. My grandpa has just been diagnosed with cancer... and it's in his whole body. In his bones... Obviously, grandma isn't dealing well with that... I can't be there for them... It makes me sad.

And, I know this may sound so silly, but I miss my best friends. You know, the ones that knew everything about me and still wanted to be my friend. Lol. I miss them. One has gotten married and I didn't get to go to her bachelorette party OR her wedding... and now, another one has gotten engaged and I can't even be around for any of that. It just makes me sad. We are all getting older and I wish I could be there to see it.

Between USMC Sisters, my family illness and missing my friends, there isn't much else to talk about. Oh yeah.... Wonder what I'm going to make for dinner. Hahaha.

Have a good one, ladies and keep your heads held high! There is a light at the end of that tunnel! Keep pushing through!

<3 Lots of Love!!