Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010 (2:25am)

My Goodness.  I can't believe it is almost 2:30am!  I didn't wake up until 3:30pm, so it still seems early.  I was up until 5:30am yesterday, watching one of our local B&Bs get investigated by the St. Louis Ghost Hunter Society.  It was pretty cool!  I'm glad they had a live feed on the internet equipped with a chat feature so we could ask questions and they would answer us on camera.  Pretty neat!  
When I finally dragged myself out of bed, I talked to Orion on the phone.  This whole moving thing is making me stressed out.  He graduates from his MOS schooling on November 3rd....  What's going to happen if we don't have the money to do everything we need to do?  Where is he going to stay?  What if we don't have the money for a deposit on a place?  If he does go somewhere...  He won't have anything to eat or cook because I have everything with me...  I guess I just don't know what is going to happen.  And, I hate that.  He is supposed to get leave as soon as he can and come get me... But, we need to fix our car before it will make it all that way.  I need to get the dog updated on his shots... I need to change my license and SS card to my married name.  So much to do in so little time with so little money!  I'm definitely not having a good time with this.  Yikes! 

Since we will be moving away from both of our families, I have decided to make wish list registries on and, that way nobody has to call and ask us what we need for Christmas!  However, if any of you are reading this, we are saving our money for this bed!  Feel free to donate to THAT fund! :)


Well, it's off to bed for me! Xoxo!

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